8_2019_vybavení do nemocnice_Charita Mariupol

Olomouc, Nikolské – Czech beds with bedside tables, sterilizers and CombiSets for operating theaters are already used in a hospital in Nikolsky, Ukraine. The city is located in the Donetsk region, which was hit by armed conflict. The equipment was sent to Ukraine at the end of July by the Archdiocesan Caritas Olomouc with its donors.

The necessary things were divided on the spot by Caritas Mariupol. “Hospital beds, bedside tables, mattresses and medical CombiSets are now being used at the Central District Hospital in Nikolsky. The conditions for local patients and doctors have been improved. We sincerely thank our colleagues from the Archdiocesan Caritas Olomouc for their support and assistance to the people of eastern Ukraine, ”said Deputy Charity Director Mariupol Evhen Chako. Caritas Mariupol provides material and psychological assistance to children, adults, and whole families who fled the war. It also helps people in need and provides health and care services.

Archdiocesan Caritas Olomouc dispatched a truck with material assistance weighing almost 7 tons at the end of July. In addition to equipment to the Ukrainian hospital, the truck also transported work boots, children’s shoes and crutches. “We have been working with Mariupol  for three years, in the past we have supported a charity dining room where people in need and internally displaced people were able to eat,” adds for Archdiocesan Caritas Olomouc Khrystyna Novodvorska, Project Coordinator in Ukraine.

Beds and sterilizers were supplied by Tomas Bata Regional Hospital.

CombiSety was provided by Hartmann in cooperation with Caritas Znojmo.

The crutches were supplied by individual Caritas from the Archdiocese of Olomouc.

Shoes are from Prabos and Z-Style.

Karolina Opatrshilova, Archdiocesan Charity Olomouc

Foto: archiv Charita Mariupol

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