The annual event Christmas package was founded in 2008 and is very popular among the recipients as well as the donors. Its principle rests on the donations made by the concrete Czech donors to the specific Ukrainian children. Thanks to the long-term cooperation with Ukrainian partners, who makes the selection of children from orphanages and socially disadvantaged families for this program, Czech donors can decide who they would like to make happy. We are delivering more and more Christmas Packages every year, and in 2018 alone we have delivered 414 of them. For many of the children and families the package is a significant material help and it allows them to save up money and use it to pay their electricity bills, rent or buy food. For other children, especially those not living with their parents, the package is a symbolic gesture of the good will of people living in the other parts of the world. For every child this present represents the joy they can share with their loved ones.